Thursday, April 14, 2011

Students say the darndest things!

Tomorrow is my last day student teaching!  I am so sad about this - seriously!  I'd much rather be in the classroom working with young people than talking/reading about theory and diversity.  I know that I've said it before, but I seriously loved everything about student teaching!  My students were great (most of the time, haha) and I love each of them!  I especially love their crazy comments and conversations...  For example... (by the way, this is totally anonymous!)

AP Government did a Presidential Report Card meaning that each student chose a president and gave him grades for different things (foreign diplomacy, domestic policy, general character, etc).  Then, in groups of 5 they had to nominate one president from the group to be added to Mt. Rushmore.  In one class, the nominated presidents were Jackson, Reagan, Eisenhower, Truman, Obama, and Clinton - the winner was Truman.  In the other class, the nominated presidents were Clinton, FDR, Reagan, and JFK - the winner was FDR.  One student tried to nominate Grover Cleveland, "Because we all want to see that mustache on Mt. Rushmore!"

But if that's the credential we're looking for, I think we should go with Taft.  Just sayin'.


In Civics, the students had a test on the judicial branch.  They had a short answer on court cases, which we had covered by having students act out.  When the group that acted out New Jersey vs. TLO presented, they nicknamed the main character "Tillo."  Well, I guess one of the students didn't get the memo that Tillo was short for TLO... because that's what he wrote on his test.  When we finally figured it out, we had a good laugh.

Words from the wise:
"Student: Miss Case, are you single?
Me: No, student, I'm engaged.  I'm getting married in June!
Student: Oh, well, does he have good credit?
Me:  Well, yes, he does!
StudentWell, is he rich?
Me:  Ha, no.  We're just starting out, so we're not rich at all, but he does well enough.
Student:  Well, it is better to be poor with good credit than to be rich with no credit.
Me:  Student, you are right about that.  How'd you get to be so smart?
Student:  My momma.  Does he treat his momma right?
Me:  Sure does.
Student:  That's good.  Does he treat you right?  Do you trust him?
Me: Yeah, he's a great guy.
Student:  Well that's good.  You let me know if he doesn't."


In Civics, when discussing lobbying, students had to act as lobbyists from different interest groups by giving a speech to legislators who were about to vote on a law that would require first time DUI offenders to have breathalyzers in their vehicle.  One group's spokesperson, with his best MLK imitation, started out his speech: "Since the beginning of history, America has been based on three important concepts - drinkin', drivin', and civil riiightttssss..."


AP students did current events each week during 3rd quarter.  For the assignment they had to read two articles and email the writer of one/leave a comment online.  One student decided to shoot Obama an email after the State of the Union address.  It was very well written, and included this at the end:
"P.S.  I also appreciate your clever jokes - especially the one about salmon."


When talking about current events in AP, one student remarked:
"Ms. Case, I am so serious when I say this, but when do people in Egypt sleep?"


I spent a whole day talking about propaganda.  When I got to cardstacking, I gave the example of a ShamWow commercial on YouTube.  You would have thought I had shown them the secret of life.  The class looked like this: 
So funny.


For AP's 4th quarter current event assignments, they are using Twitter.  (It is so awesome by the way).  One student tweeted Obama "@Obama, I'm curious, how does it feel to have fired more cruise missiles than any other Nobel Peace Prize winners combined?"


I'm sure that there are about a dozen other funny stories I could tell, but I just can't remember them all right now.  Maybe later.  Hopefully this will hold you over until then. :)  I sure will miss these great kids!
laura ann

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