Friday, June 15, 2012

What have we been up to?

So, welcome to my new blog!  I hope you like it as much as I do!  There are a few tweaks I want to take care of, but I think it looks good enough to reveal!  All of my old blog posts are here - the only thing that is different is the new address and the new design.

I guess I should update you on what's been happening lately.  Things have been fairly uneventful, but extremely fast-paced!  If time truly moves faster the older you get, I do not want to get any older (yet).  Things are moving fast enough for me now!

January & February are still a bit of a blur.  We began learning how to live without Mom and I started a new semester of students at school.  I LOVED last semester's students and this year has turned out to be awesome.  I can't believe the 1st year is in the books already!

In March, my Aunt Debbie (Dad's sister) passed away after battling breast cancer.  It was difficult, but nothing in comparison to losing Mom.  It was the first time any of us went to Mom's grave since the funeral.  THAT was hard.  But, God always provide comic relief - while we were there, we ran into a man Dad knew.  He had brought his girlfriend to visit his wife's grave... I'm thinking that wasn't the best date idea I've ever heard.  I'm glad the lady was so supportive though.

In April, Parker & I went backpacking with our youth group.  We went in high school and loved it, so we decided to go again.  It was definitely not as easy as it use to be, but we had an awesome time.

This is at the top of Black Balsam Knob in the Pisgah National Park.  It was EXTREMELY windy.  In fact, when we weren't standing taking pictures, we hid behind a rock to block the wind while we waited for the rest of the gang to catch up.  Haha!

The weather was fantastic!  The first time we went, it rained, sleeted, and snowed.  The second time I went, it rained and rained and rained and was FREEZING.  This time, it didn't rain at all and it was only cold the last night.  If you've never been backpacking, you probably have some questions.  Yes you are in the mountains the whole time - no shower, no toilet, no grills.  You pack everything you need in in your pack - sleeping bag, a change of clothes (meaning, one set of dry clothes), food, tent, stove, water pump, water bottles...  Hike all day, get to camp, set up tent, pump water, cook, eat, hang out, sleep, repeat.

This was the view from the hardest climb.  It was like 2000 feet up in a mile or so (with a pack on your back).  The view at the end was gorgeous, but the climb was fierce.  We appropriately named it "Hell Hill" and I'm not really sure what the real name of it is.

The whole crew at the top of Black Balsam Knob.  We had several first timers and they did so good!  I love that our church does this with the youth group!  I think we did about 25 miles in 3.5 days this year. 

Also in April, we found out that one of my best friends, Roman, is going to medical school!  I'm so proud of her!  She is moving to Nashville and we're going to miss her so much!  She is going to be an AWESOME doctor!  Amanda & Cory came over for dinner that night and we ate a Food Lion cake in her honor!  :)

May was a BUSY month, particularly the last 2 weeks of May.

Dad's birthday was the 18th and my cousin's son, Walker's birthday party was the 19th.  It was the first time the whole family had gotten together since Mom & Aunt Debbie died.  I love the pictures below, because they depict a healing family so perfectly. 

The Birthday boy!

Then at the beginning of June, we got together again for my other cousin's triplet's birthday.  The void is definitely there, but we are healing.

So that's about all we've been up to besides the day-to-day work, making a home together, spending time with friends, and family.  I am thrilled that summer is here and I'll have time to get back to being crafty and blogging again.

I loved my first year teaching, but there was no time for blogging between that, coaching, Mom, church stuff, and learning to be a wife.  Next year, I won't be coaching, which is bittersweet, but I definitely have made the right decision.  Hopefully I will have more time for God, my family, and myself.  Thanks for being patient! :)
laura ann

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