Sunday, November 24, 2013

Baby Bump Report: Week 10

How far? Week 10  (no change in the baby bump, so no picture!)

What's baby up to?  Baby is about an inch long and many of the vital organs are functioning.  Peach fuzz hair is growing and finger nails and toe nails are starting to grow.

Weight gain?  At the doctor (for a UTI),  I weighed 111 lbs... so no weight gain yet!

Maternity clothes?  Not yet, but my pants are still tight.  I can wear 3 pairs comfortably for now.

Symptoms?  I have WAY more exhaustion and nausea than before and I dread having to work 5 days in a row this week.  My boobs aren't as sore, but the breakouts have unfortunately continued, and I can't get enough back/neck massages.  Oh yeah, I also have a UTI.  Fun stuff.

Sleep?  I could sleep all day every day.  Seriously.  Yesterday, I put the lights on the Christmas tree and then took a nap.  Then, I decorated the tree... and took another nap.  I can't get enough sleep.  I'm only waking up once or twice a night now to go to the bathroom, but getting out of bed in the morning is tough.

Food cravings? It still depends on the day.  Today's craving?  Pasta salad.  Yesterday, I really wanted popcorn.  There is no rhyme or reason... It just depends on the commercial or conversation.

Food aversions?  Nothing in particular this week... just not much of an appetite at times because of the nausea.

Miss anything?  Still missing the hot bubble bath.  Man that would feel so good to my back!  Also, I really want a McAllister's Club.  I can taste it... I want it so bad.

I'm feeling... extremely tired and at times, moody - I'm sure my students would agree.  Mostly tired, but still very excited!

Best moment of the week(s)?  Amanda & Cory's wedding & Thanksgiving with friends & family

Looking forward to... Our next appointment (December 12th) and getting our Christmas stuff up and decorated... and out of the boxes that are all over the living room... AND ENERGY...  When is that coming back? :)

laura ann

1 comment:

  1. OK, I'm reading these backwards, but for real, talk to your OB. I got the OK for hot bubble baths from mine!


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