Friday, December 20, 2013

Baby Bump Report: Week 13

How far? Week 13

What's baby up to?  Baby is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.  He or she is about the size of a pea pod now!

Weight gain?  I haven't weighed since my appointment, but I can definitely notice a baby bump!  It kills me when people say that they can't see a bump... HELLO?  I have ONE pair of pants left that I can still button... that ain't cookies people!  There's a baby growing in there! :)

Maternity clothes?  Unless I'm wearing that one pair of pants mentioned above, I'm wearing a belly band!

Symptoms?  Hello second trimester!  I can see your light!  I had morning sickness Sunday at church, but I haven't had any since then!  Woohoo!  I am still tired, but not let-me-lay-down-right-now-or-I-might-fall-asleep-standing-up tired.  :)  Parker wants me to add that my boobs are getting huge.  Haha!

Sleep?  Still interrupted by bathroom visits, but feeling more rested!

Food cravings?  Oranges and pasta... just not together :)

Food aversions? Hmm... not really this week.

Miss anything?  Hot bubble baths and uninterrupted sleep... same as last week... and the week before.

I'm feeling... alive and happy and blessed and excited and in the Christmas spirit!

Best moment of the week(s)?  No morning sickness... Feeling like I have some energy... My students commenting on my belly bump... and Friday at 12:30 when my Christmas break started!  Praise the Lord!  

Looking forward to... A wonderful break filled with family and friends and Jesus!  A Merry Christmas!  Wrapping presents, baking cookies, giving gifts, and all the Christmas joy!

laura ann

1 comment:

  1. I truly believe the lack of sleep during pregnancy is just the baby's way of getting you ready for lack of sleep when they are born. Looking forward to finding out if baby Morgan will be a he or a she!


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