Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ava Kate's Schedule - 6 weeks to about 3 months

We have had our routine down pat for a while now, but once I start working again, a 7:00 feeding isn't going to give me enough time to get her ready and take her to Tabitha's before going to work.  Additionally, we wanted to transition from a 3 hour routine to a 3.5 hour routine since she hasn't been hungry as often since she's eating more at at each feeding.  (She was eating about 3.5-4 oz each feeding, but now she's eating 4-4.5 oz)

So... at 6 weeks, we started our "new" schedule.  It took her 2 days to get the hang of it and now we're pros again.  I'm so thankful for routine and that she's apparently a planner like her Momma ;-)

Here is what our schedule looks like these days:

6 am - I will get up and get ready

6:30 am - Eat (15 minutes on each side), change diaper, sit in the bouncy seat while we fix breakfast and eat together, go back to sleep

10 am - Eat (15 minutes on each side), change diaper, play time for 30-45 minutes (sing, jungle gym, bouncy chair, books, "talk," tummy time), go back to sleep

1:30 pm - Eat (15 minutes on each side), change diaper, play time for 30-45 minutes (same as above/run errands), go back to sleep

5 pm - Eat (15 minutes on each side), change diaper, play time for 30-45 minutes (sit in the bouncy seat and watch me cook, play with Daddy when he gets home, "sit" at the table (in the bouncy seat) while we eat dinner and clean up, take a bath every 2-3 days, go for a stroll around the neighborhood, etc), go back to sleep for a short nap

8 pm - Eat (15 minutes on each side), change diaper & put on PJs, quiet play time until the first sign of yawns (reading books, snuggle time, etc.), go back to sleep

10:30 pm - Change diaper, swaddle, eat (15 minutes on each side), straight to bed

Random middle of the night feeding... she usually wakes up around 3:30 am - eat (15 minutes on each side), right back to bed

Repeat.  :)

We feed more often at night to try to store her belly in hopes that she'll sleep longer, haha!  Once she starts sleeping through the night, our hope is to eventually do a feeding at 5 pm, then 8:30 pm and then put her down for the night...  We'll see how that goes down the road.

After a week on the new schedule, we transitioned her to her crib at night.  It broke my heart, but it was time...  Still waiting for her to sleep through the night!

Here are some pictures for your Ava Kate fix:

Falling asleep during play time :)

Playing with Daddy before bath time:

Fighting sleep by staring at her swing mobile :)

Nap time w/ Mommy!

Running errands to Mommy's school... she was not impressed at all.  This look says, "Mom, I'd rather be playing at home with my toys."

Talking it up w/ Mommy after a long day.

Snuggle time with Daddy before bed.

laura ann

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