Sunday, June 17, 2012

Our Wedding - Favorite Moments

I've totally neglected to post wedding stuff, so here we go almost a year later.

Here are some pictures of some of my favorite moments.

This is Ms. Lamm.  She babysat me from the time Mom went back to work after maternity leave until I was like 12 years old.  Her and her husband were like grandparents to me when I was growing up, so we thought it would be appropriate to sit her with our grandparents.

My sweet Grandma Margie, looking gorgeous in pink.  She is the ideal mother and grandmother, I hope that I can be half as good of a cook, mother, and grandmother as she is.

Pretty much every moment with Weston was a hoot.  First of all, does he look handsome in a tux or what?  He had everyone laughing the whole day.

We had the DJ do a longest marriage dance.  All of the married couples got on the dance floor and the DJ would excuse couples from the dance floor who hadn't been married for a week (us), month, year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, etc. until the longest married couple was still dancing.  My Aunt Kay & Uncle Ricky won and their advice was to "Pray a lot and laugh at yourselves" something that we definitely have taken to heart.

My cousin Rebecca played the piano and Beaty & Carrie sang "Be Thou My Vision" when the grandparents walked in and the parents lighted the unity candle.  They also sang "When I Say I Do" when we lit the unity candle and prayed together.

I always said that if I could get through the part where Dad gives me away without crying, then I wouldn't cry.  I was right!  I didn't cry, not even when we were pronounced husband and wife and faced our friends and family and I could see Dad's teary eyes.  I love my Dad so much, and I will always be a Daddy's girl.

Dad and I danced to "Going to Carolina in my Mind" by James Taylor.  It wasn't as entertaining as "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Dad's suggestion) would've been, but still very sweet.

Praying with some of my favorite women.

When the doors opened and I could see Parker waiting for me was a special moment.  Finally!!

 Our first kiss as husband and wife!

Parker and I shagged to "With this Ring" for our first dance as husband and wife, and it was great.  It's pretty hard to shag in a wedding dress, but totally more fun when it's with your husband.
laura ann

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