Saturday, April 25, 2015

Friends & Food!

Every year, our Sunday School class gets together to burn Christmas trees.  I know that sounds odd.  

I guess I should tell you the back story.  When our class first started, we use to play one round of Taboo each Sunday to get to know each other and break the ice.  We played guys vs girls, and at the end of each quarter, the losing gender had to plan the class social.  Well, in an epic comeback, the girls won one quarter and the guys were determined to make it a social we'd love.  Please feel my sarcasm.  They chose to gather as many Christmas trees as they could (it was January), and plan a big bonfire.

Well... five years later... we're still doing it every year.  We've had as many as 100 trees, but this year, we cut back to about 10, because we have so many little ones that 1) They just about outnumber the adults, 2) We're too busy chasing after them to chop that many trees in half to burn, and 3) We now have bedtimes to consider.  But, we still love it (no sarcasm) and look forward to it every year!

The farm we usually do it at was way too wet, so on a whim, we invited everyone to our house for the cookout and fire pit.  It was so nice to have everyone over!

Ava Kate loved playing with her best friend, Nora.  She even got in the grass to get close to her, which is a big deal, because she DID NOT LIKE THE GRASS.

Toys were played with.  Hot dogs were eaten.  Fingers were licked.  A good time was had by all.

Then, as we approached the time for the fire... a dark cloud that had been waiting all day started creeping in...

That's Jane & Ernest.  They're our teachers and so cute.  We adore them.  Everyone else is in their mid 20s to mid 30s... I mean, except for the kids of course... who we also adore.  :)

The boys played baseball and can jam... and I am just so thankful for our big backyard and the field behind it to play in!

And that cloud that was creeping in... well, it sprinted the rest of the way and the bottom fell out.  So for all you tree lovers, don't worry... no trees were burned... yet.

Bonfire is on hold until after April showers.  :)
laura ann

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