Sunday, May 3, 2015

Ten Months!

Hey people!  I'm TEN months old!  That's 1-0!  Two hands!  See??

Weight: About 19 lbs... I think the dip/slow weight gain is due to her rapid rise in mobility all of a sudden.

Clothes & Diapers: She's still wearing size 3 diapers and anywhere from 9-12 month outfits... I'm loving her spring and summer clothes!

Eating & Sleeping:   She drinks 6 oz at 6:30, 11:00, 3:30, and 7:30 and eats finger foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  She eats about 1/4-1/2 cup of grains, dairy, and veggies/fruits daily... and sometimes about a 1/8-1/4 cup of meat/poultry.  She loves apple sauce, bananas, bread, and cheese... but pretty much eats whatever we give her.  She does not want to eat purees anymore... she's too grown up for that!  She has great control with her pinchers and she easily holds her sippy cups and bottles.  She naps from 8-10:30 and 1-2:30, give or take a little.  We put her down by 8:00 each night and she sleeps until 6:30 when I wake her up in the mornings.

Mood:  Usually, she's pretty happy!  She is learning to be upset when she doesn't get what she wants or is told "no," and we joke that she should be on the Snicker's commercial when she gets hungry because she definitely becomes a diva.  However, she's usually a joy to be around.  :)

Likes: Books!  She constantly grabs a book off her shelf or out of her toy basket and brings it to us to read.  She likes standing up and looking out the window... She likes being outside and playing with her friends at the babysitter.  She loves babies.

Dislikes: Being told "no" and having to be still.

Milestones: She says "Dada," "Yaya," and "Baba" regularly... and a bunch of other babbles.  She moves between the coffee table and couch with ease.  She points at things with her pointer finger.  She will put food up to her mouth and take a bite.  She gives kisses... especially to her baby dolls.  She turns the page in a book when told to and waits while you read until you tell her to turn the next page.  (Seriously.  She loves books.  It's nuts.)

Sentimental Things Mommy Wants to Remember: Oh my gosh she is growing up so fast.  She is not a little infant anymore and it tears me apart!  She won't sit still in my lap and snuggle... and she certainly won't sit still long enough to fall asleep in my arms and it just breaks my heart.  I cannot believe she'll be one in 2 months.  Time please slow down!

Practical Things Mommy Wants to Remember: We just bought our first pack of diapers this month! Thanks to all of our friends and family who showered us with so many diapers!  We still have size 4 diapers she doesn't fit in yet... and a BUNCH of newborn diapers leftover for our next baby.  Also, this month I had to start pumping extra times at work to keep up with how much she's eating from her bottle.  I now pump before school, at the beginning and end of planning, after school, and before bed... and I get about 1 oz more than she's eating each day.  I'm hoping that extra pumping will build my supply up again.

And just for fun... some bloopers:

Gone are the days when she would compliantly lay still for our monthly photo sessions!

laura ann

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